Club trips to the national shooting centre at Bisley
In 2023 the club started to organise trips to the national shooting centre at Bisley with a view making 1,000 yard shooting available.
The trips are proving to be very popular indeed and are now being held quarterly. Taking place over two days, events typically run as follows ;
- Day 1 Morning – Round of clays
- Day 1 Afternoon – load development/zeroing at 200 and 600 yards on electronic targets
- Day 2 – either shooting at 1,000 yards on electronic targets or shooting steel plates to 1000 yards plus on Chobham range
We are fortunate to be able to book heavily discounted accommodation thanks to our affiliation with the British Young Shooters Association, who kindly allow us to use their lodge on site, though other accommodation is also available.
The trips are a good natured social event and are much looked forward to.
On our last trip we booked Chobham range for the entire second day. This was a first for everyone as we’ve not shot Chobham before and it’s a little different. Shooting takes place from an elevated position and you’re shooting down into the hills where steel gongs are placed from 200 out to 1200 plus yards, supervised by NRA instructors. Shooting with a spotter, plates are engaged at will and give a very satisfying bong when hit. Not many managed to get the furthest plates but we all learned a great deal and we’re all vying for the “19 club”, reserved for those able to hit target 19 at 1,238 yards.
Any full member of the club may join a Bisley event and club guns are available for use. There is only one restriction, to use Chobham range every shooter must hold a club issued Shooters Certificate of Competence card – commonly known as an SCC. To gain an SCC club members must shoot full-bore events at least 6 times and be graded as competent by our club instructors. This is easy to obtain as any full member may join our normal full-bore shoots and full instruction is freely provided. The SCC’s don’t cost you anything and once awarded, you are welcome to joing us shooting on Chobham range on our next visit.
In the clip below James is very happy to get a BONG shooting his M-14 with iron sights.

PL15 pistol target

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