Reloading courses – the art of putting bangs into tubes
Any FAC holder is allowed to manufacture ammunition for their firearms. This allows the FAC holder to make more accurate ammunition than factory rounds and for pistol caliblre rounds, can be significantly cheaper than buying factory ammo. Of course there are risks associated with making ammunition and to reduce that risk, the the club regularly hosts reloading courses for our full members.
Held at the club and taking a full day, members are taught the basics of rifle and pistol cartridge reloading.
As part of the course all attendees will make from scratch some .357 rounds and fire them, recording the velocity and power developed.
The course is based on the NRA Code of Practice for Hand Loading Firearms Ammunition and qualifies attendees to have “hand loaded ammunition” added to their Shooter Certification Card if they have one. Holding an SCC with “hand loaded ammunition” is a requirement for any member wishing to shoot hand loaded rounds on an MOD range or at Bisley. (It is not a requirement for members shooting hand loads at the club itself.).
All costs are subsidised by the club and the course is very popular indeed.
The courses are open to any full member with or without an FAC and are held as often as we can run them – as of October 2024 more than 40 members have successfully completed the course.


PL15 pistol target

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