All the hard work that went into the new backstop pays off

Shooter ready … Stand by!

We had a small test shoot with a handful of very experienced mini-rifle shooters which went very well.

Then it was time to open up the event to our membership with 20 slots available – all of which were booked out the same day.

It’s a popular event!


The first ever club level mini-rifle shoot at WRPC was held on Sunday 2nd March 2025.

We had 20 attendees, most of whom had never shot this type of event. Accordingly a full safety briefing was given by our experienced RCO’s.

Starting with a few very simple exercises just shooting a few rounds to get everyone up to speed with gun handling and safety, we progressed over the day to running a final stage with barriers, no-shoot targets, movement and dynamic falling plates and a difficult rotating target.

Everyone had a superb time, broad smiles all round with everyone asking when the next event will be.



Results from the first ever mini rifle competition

Particular “well done” to Dusan who had never shot the event before and had to use a club gun.

Huge fun and we’re all looking forward to the next one.


Most stages in future competitions will be designed around the UKPSA courses of fire but modified to incorporate our own additions such as the Throom falling plate targets, spinners and so on.

We’re going to make this at least a monthly event on the first Saturday or Sunday to fit around existing club events and RCO availability.

The next event for 6th April 2025 had all 20 slots filled within a few hours of going public, we’re going to have to train more RCO’s in mini-rifle to run the event more regularly.


As of 3rd March UKSPA announced the postal league mini rifle competitions for 2025 are starting up again. In parallel to the club shoots we will be entering at least one team for the 2025 summer leagues. Just need to think of some suitable team names … “My knees hurt”, “The eh? Team”, “Ow much”, “Wakey spray and pray”, “My sights are off”…