New energy limits for B Emmerson range

New energy limits for B Emmerson range

New energy limits for B Emmerson range only As designed and tested, the new backstop now has the following limits ; All pistol calibres  NO ENERGY OR VELOCITY LIMIT All full bore rifle calibres – i.e. supersonic full power rounds Keep under High Muzzle Energy...
New backstop for B Emmerson range

New backstop for B Emmerson range

What do you get if you have 8 tons of rubber, 3 tons of steel and plenty of volunteers? You get a new backstop! The original targetry. Not pretty! Behind the targets with the patched Linatex ballistic rubber. Messy, bits of rubber and paper everywhere. We needed a new...
Reloading courses at WRPC

Reloading courses at WRPC

 Reloading courses – the art of putting bangs into tubes    Any FAC holder is allowed to manufacture ammunition for their firearms. This allows the FAC holder to make more accurate ammunition than factory rounds and for pistol caliblre rounds, can be...
Steel plates to 1200 yards? Yes please!

Steel plates to 1200 yards? Yes please!

Club trips to the national shooting centre at Bisley   In 2023 the club started to organise trips to the national shooting centre at Bisley with a view making 1,000 yard shooting available.    The trips are proving to be very popular indeed and are now being held...
We’re open for Air membership sign-ups!

We’re open for Air membership sign-ups!

We are now open to Air membership sign-ups! The club has two dedicated 10m air ranges and two 20 yard multi-purpose ranges. We have an air compressor for filling guns at no charge to members, excellent tuition and good quality match grade air rifles and pistols for...
We’re open for firearms probation sign-up

We’re open for firearms probation sign-up

Happy new year! Probation booking slots for firearms are now available to book from February 7th onwards. Use the BOOK NOW link to, well, book one! Slots for air membership will be confirmed in the next couple of weeks at which point they will also be available to...