Start Shooting
Shooting is one of the safest sports, book a spot today and we’ll see you on the range

New Members
Beginners with little or no prior experience are most welcome, but you need to book the first session
Membership Types
Full Membership
If you want to shoot firearms then this membership is for you. It will give you full access to our ranges at College Grove and also allow you to shoot at long distance at our affiliated MoD ranges at Strensall and at Bisley. Minimum age is just 10.
Access to our Air ranges is included.
Air Membership
If you are looking for somewhere to shoot your air pistol or rifle for fun or competition then look no further. We have two dedicated air ranges and some of the countries top air marksmen.
The club is very active in air competitions and regularly in the top places
How To Join The Club
Firearms Membership
We try and make getting into the sport as easy as possible within the confines of the law. To become a full firearms member of the club you must go through a probationary period. To get started this is what you must do
1. Book a “New Members Evening for Firearms” slot on our events calendar. These run bi-weekly on Wednesdays evenings.
2. Register on our membership system, this will act as you application for membership at the club.
3. Arrive promptly on your booked date at 7pm for the safety briefing so we can get you on range as soon as we can.
Probation is a minimum of 12 visits over a minimum of 12 weeks. Once in the system there is no need to use the booking system again, you just turn up on a Wednesday. You don’t need to attend on every Wednesday, but you must complete your 12th session within 6 months of your first one.
After paying a non-refundable £50 fee when booking your first visit online, there is no need to book further visits and the cost of the ammunition for these first four visits is incuded.
If you are enjoying the experience then after visit four we will ask you to pay an additional £100 non-refundable fee to cover your remaining 8 probationary visits and ammunition.
The non-refundable fees cover the extensive admin we have to undertake in processing your prospective membership with the Police as well as 30 rounds of .22lr ammunition on each visit.
Air Membership
Becoming an Air member is very straightforward and only two probation shoots are required to become an air member. However, we are a firearms club so we make sure everyone is aware of safety so to get started we ask you to attend a safety briefing
1. Book a “New Members Evening for Air Shooters Only” slot on our events calendar. These run most alternate Wednesdays for a non-refundable booking fee of £15.
2. Register on our membership system, this will act as you application for membership at the club.
3. Arrive promptly at 7pm on your booked date for the safety briefing so we can get you on range as soon as we can.
You will need to go through our safety briefing, same as the firearm users, hence needing to book your first session.
Air probation is only two shoots and you’ll do the first one after the safety brief. A second shoot is required on the main Emmerson B range so you gain experience of using that range and shooting alongside our firearms users. Don’t worry, we’ll loan you ear and eye defenders if you need them.
Once you’ve completed that second shoot you can be accepted as an air member.
If you later wish to convert to being a firearms member – this is a common occurrence – please speak with our secretary on any firearms induction evening as you don’t have to book a new induction for this.
You are welcome to bring your bring your air rifle and pellets with you on your first visit. If it’s a new rifle we will gladly help you set up your scope and zero the rifle.
Air only members will also undergo a Police check.
Joining Notes
OK, so you’ve made it this far you must be close to booking your first session. You can do this by clicking the button below, but please read the notes to the right.
These notes will give you more information on the booking process, the forms and information you need to bring with you at your first shoot and when and where to arrive.
How to Book
We can only accommodate a limited number of new probationers at a time, so we have a booking system which must be used to allocate one of these slots for your first session.
Click here to make a booking, this will take you to our myclubhouse membership system. If there is more than one person in your party you will need to book individually as we now require you to sign up to our membership system which has replaced paper application forms.
You MUST bring two forms of ID with you on the evening, one clearly showing your current address.
After you have successfully booked you will receive a confirmation email with all the details that you need for the day of your shoot.
If you have history of any of the following then do not register to avoid disappointment and loss off booking fee:
- Sentenced to imprisonment (suspended or otherwise, adult or youth)
- Convictions, Binding Over, Cautions
- Alcohol or Drug misuse
- Violence (Domestic or otherwise)
- Self Harm
Spent convictions STILL apply to Firearms possession.
Speeding / Parking offences dealt with by Fixed Penalty shoud not affect your application for membership.
Registering on Our Membership System
To register you must provide the details of a referee. The referee does not need to be present when you fill in the details, but the referee may be contacted to support your application. The requirements for a referee are very straightforward.
Who can be my referee? Anyone who satisfies three simple rules ;
- Must have known you personally for 3 years or more
- Isn’t related to you
- Doesn’t live at the same address as you
For Juniors we suggest a teacher or if you’re a member of an organisation such as Scouts, Guides or similar, have your leader referee you.
What to bring with you on the day
Each person in your party MUST bring the following;
- Proof of residence (e.g. utility bill showing your name and current address dated within 3 months)
- Proof of identity (e.g. passport, driving license, SGC)
- Juniors : birth certificate, passport if they have one
The club provides all the equipment during your probationary period so you don’t need to bring anything else. If you do have your own eye and ear defenders then you are welcome to bring them with you.
When and Where
Please ensure that you arrive at the club at 7pm. It is important to arrive prompt as new member evening is a busy time.
We send you a reminder FIVE days before your date so watch out for it. It includes a reminder about all this information and the address details (which can be found at the bottom of this page).