
Strensall 25th February

We have secured what is first shoot of the year at Strensall on Sunday the 25th February as ever the postcode for the address you need to head for is as follows: Scott Moncrieff Road, Towthorpe, York, YO32 9XB Please be there for 0830 for a mandatory safety briefing...

Strensall – Saturday 18th November

We have secured what is potentially our last shoot of the year at Strensall on Saturday the 18th November, as ever the postcode for the address you need to head for is as follows: Scott Moncrieff Road, Towthorpe, York, YO32 9XB Please be there for 0830 for a mandatory...

Strensall Shoot Sunday 5th November

We've secured another Strensall range shoot on Sunday the 5th November - bit short notice this one! Same details as other shoots - be on range for safety briefing at 0830 and to load targetry onto range trolleys. Please do let me know if you are interested in shooting...

Strensall is still on – weather update!

Good News! Strensall is still on for Saturday the 21st - it looks like the rain is going to hold off till 1700, with temps somewhere around 12-14 C: BBC Weather Strensall Windspeeds could be in the vicinity of 6.5 metres per second upto 9 m/s - predominantly from the...

Strensall Range day – Saturday 21st of October

Hopefully we'll get this range day and the MoD won't cancel it on us! Again this is for all full members of WRPC – at this time we just don’t have enough club guns to accommodate probationary members at the same time. The day will begin at the range for 0830 – a...

2017/2018 Annual Membership Renewal

Following the Annual General Meeting held on 28th September I am pleased to advise members that subs for 2017/2018 have remained mostly unchanged from last year.  The changes being the removal of the early payment discount and the addition of discounts for range...

Strensall Range Day – Sunday 8th October

*** CANCELLED CANCELLED CANCELLED *** Sorry folks, the MOD have cancelled the shoot at short notice. We have other dates in the system awaiting approval, as usual watch the website or facebook page for news. *** MESSAGE ENDS ***   Oops - sorry folks - it turns...


At the Special General Meeting convened the 27th July the meeting failed to achive quorum, duly the committee arranged a postal ballot - the papers for which you all should have received shortly after this post was published. The meeting raised a small number of...

Strensall Range Day – Saturday 5th August

Good News! We've arranged another couple of Strensall (Near York) range days for WRPC - this being the second of the two on Saturday the 5th of August. The day will begin at the range for 0830 – a mandatory safety briefing for ALL shooters whether they are in...

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College Grove Sports Club, Eastmoor Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF1 3RR