FAC Holders

Information for existing FAC holders who want to use the club


Must be current

The FAC must be valid and not expired


You can use the range to zero

Full Year Fee Applies

You must pay the full yearly membership

Existing FAC holder – how to join WRPC

The FAC must be current, expired FAC holders will need to follow the full probation process.

With a valid FAC you may skip the booking system but we MUST know that you’re coming, please email members@wrpc.co.uk to confirm the time and date for you.

You will need to sit through our safety briefing and complete one probationary shooting session.

Subject to demonstrating safe practice, you will be accepted into the club  with no further probation necessary.

Fees for FAC holders joining the club

Upon joining the full annual membership fee becomes payable, no matter how far through the year we are.  However any excess payment is then deducted from the next renewal, so you don’t lose out.

For example,

The current Adult membership is £220.

  •  FAC holder joins in January and pays the full £220.
  •  Upon renewal in October, a discount worth 2 months is applied

Note for FAC holders with vermin or land use only who wish to add Target use

If you have an FAC for shooting over land only then currently you cannot also use your firearms for targets at a club without getting the FAC altered for that purpose.

If you want to join the club and practice target shooting, it’s just a case of passing probation and sending off for a variation for target shooting. 

It’s not unusual to have firearms conditioned for both pest control and targets at the same time.  Remember you must maintain your membership of the club to retain the target use conditions. 


If you just want to zero your firearms without joining the club

If you have an FAC for shooting over land only but want to zero your firearms at Wakefield then you can do so without joining the club providing ;

  • Your FAC has wording such as “… zeroing practice on ranges …” or similar
  • You attend on a weekday evening where Range Officers are present and you pay the current Range Fee (£15).

For Any Other Queries Please Use the Contact Us Form Below

Contact Us

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Other Ways to Talk

College Grove Sports Club, Eastmoor Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF1 3RR
